Sunday, September 20, 2015

...To Being Thwarted, Again

Market Day, Estella
My reality today is that I am surfacing from a serious case of bronchitis that effectively benched me these last several days.  This only days after being sidelined by my knee.  I'm relearning how to breathe through my nose, and am hoping to be up and moving again by the beginning of the week.  In effort to spare my fuzzy brain from having to write too much, I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos from the last few days, as they've brought some light and life to my sickbed.  In the midst of my quiet little confinement, I did manage to find some shadows of truth, things I'm determined to remember and be grateful for.  Ahem:

1) My room shared a courtyard with a nursing home.  I knew, despite how I felt, that I would eventually heal and continue on my way.  The patients I saw so clearly from my window would do neither, at least this side of heaven.  Perspective.

2) Said hotel room included a big bed with an actual, non-plastic mattress, clean sheets, and even a blanket.  Ahh, linens.  Not a single bedbug or itchy roommate to be found.  And the bathroom.  With toilet paper!  And soap!  Glorious.

3) I busted out my trusty American credit card to gain access to such glorious sleeping arrangements.  Many folks, including the homeless refugees streaming into this very country, can do no such thing.  Again, perspective.

Pantano de La Grajera, outside of Logroño.  This was taken within the first few hours of being back on the road after being hobbled by my knee.

The morning of these two photos (above and below), I woke up on the wrong side of the bed after another sleepless night.  My mood further deteriorated when I realized I was unable to leave, as the proprietors hadn't yet arrived to unlock the doors and let us out.  Locked in.  It was as unnerving as it sounds.  I was, fortuitously for all who later crossed my path, tamed by the dawn.
Sunrise Over Rioja
The signs are not always so clear, but the Spanish work tirelessly to ensure we find our way.

Rioja vines, as tasty as they look!

And finally (and hopefully, and prayerfully), I'll be on my way once again...

1 comment:

  1. Your photos just keep getting better and better! They will go nicely in your book, don't ya think? Will be praying for you and can't wait to see you in October!
