Thursday, July 30, 2015

...To Becoming Super Cool, Part 1

Being Convinced, Courtesy of Neil O'Malley

There are things I know only cool people do.  Things like surfing, and skydiving, and hitchhiking.  These are things I am historically less likely to try.  However.  I did not decide on this adventure to give myself a pass on things that intimidate me.  If (when) I experience big fat failure, or people realize I'm a nerd sooner than later, it's for the best.  Pressure's off for me, and how very refreshing to own my weaknesses and vulnerabilities instead of trying to hide or deny them.

Today was a big day, beginning with my decision to surf with the the most lovable trifecta of Irish boys, visiting from Dublin.  Warm and friendly gentlemen towards me, total clowns with each other.  Clearly friends for a long time, but gracious about inviting and encouraging me to join them.  I knew if I thought too much about it I would flake, so I made a valiant effort not to psych myself out.  This was made easier once we learned that our hostel rooms were next door to each other, and there could be no hiding out come morning.

 We donned our winter wetsuits and boots, which began the workout of the day.  Eesh.  I tried to play it cool, surrounded by hunky surf instructors with accents from all over the world.  This was not made easier by wearing a wetsuit.  They wore theirs well (daaayum),  but I'm pretty sure I looked like a lovely sausage.  I did however feel a little better when a fellow walked out with his on backwards and inside out, many thanks to him.

Champion, courtesy Neil O'Malley
We armed ourselves with our boards and marched into the fuh-reezing Atlantic just before the morning rains arrived.  My perception of surfers being cool was only enhanced once I got on my board.  It was such a great workout, for muscles I've known for years, and muscles I'm quite sure I've never before met.  We were surrounded by little pods of children learning from said hunky instructors, and looking very natural (and cool).  I flashed back to some snow ski disasters with Laura Lee, followed by firm scoldings from the preteens who helped us collect ourselves on top of the mountain many years ago.  Kids.

I can't say I had much (any) skill, but I had a ball trying.  My greatest accomplishment was learning how to paddle without falling off... while laying on my belly.  I did manage to get up once... to my knee.  Sigh.  Sweet Neil even tried to help me catch the whitewash, as there was very little umph to the waves, but to no avail.  It reminded me of being taught to water ski by my favorite Pettengills on the Chickahominy so many years ago.

Lehinch, known for best surf in Europe
Eventually we made our way back up the beach, as the boys had to drive back to Dublin, and I had to prepare to hitchhike down the coast to my next destination with the dearest Renae (see part 2!).  I recharged with a fresh shower, hugged our favorite surfer roommates goodbye, and headed out for what would be an even more epic afternoon.


  1. I thought that was your screaming laughing I heard sometime yesterday. LOVE the picture!

  2. Katie, I love living vicariously through you. Your words and descriptions have brought tears and laughter. Looking forward to continuing your journey with you (from the safety of my home). Safe travels to the bravest girl I know.

  3. Ahh, so refreshing to read. Wish I could see you. I know those hunky guys were swooning. Come on home to the Pettengill ski school soon :)

  4. You were already cool as far as I'm concerned. I'll be praying for you while you are on this journey. Xo

  5. You look like you know what you're doing - very cool.
